Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Assign 1:A logo which describes me....

My name is Pono Molatlhwa,a proud young black and vibrant son of the soil.Born in Gaborone City of Botswana,which is down South of Africa.


Unknown said...

HI PONO,this is NORAHATY in Egypt(AFRICAN TO).I can not say i loved your blog because nothing there to love ,rigt?just want to say i was there.visit me at my blog,and leave a comment even if you did not like it.goodbye.

Thabile Rampa said...

PONO LE NORA AKERE...cheka kuku mister/dude take the advice and pimp your blog

Koo AC said...

hi, pono, nothing here about the description of your Assignment 1, the making of, the tools used in completing your Assignment1.